

威尼斯人网上娱乐, we believe the best way to become a successful elementary school teacher is to spend four years as an active participant in preschool to sixth-grade classrooms.

Your experiences in Des Moines metropolitan area schools will begin during your first year of study and continue until you graduate with the skills needed to be a licensed instructor.

作为中西部最大的同类项目之一, 我们与15个地区的学区建立了合作关系, 为我们的学生提供学生教学和参与实地经验的机会, 大, 城市, 农村, 公立和私立学校. 


威尼斯人网上娱乐获得学士学位, students majoring in education need to fulfill the requirements of both the Drake general curriculum and the 教育学院 curriculum, 并完成至少一个完整的背书.

The 教育学院 curriculum requires the completion of five pre-requisites for admittance into the Teacher Education program, 外加10门其他课程, 两次一学分的研讨会和一次学生教学经验. The State of Iowa requires that elementary education majors complete a total of 24 credit hours of additional coursework, 其中16个可以应用于威尼斯人网上娱乐的普通课程.

Our flexible curriculum gives you the specialized skills you’ll need to teach a variety of subjects in schools around the globe. 学生通常会获得两个或更多的教学认可, 给予他们最大的灵活性,在以下领域进行教学:


A Bachelor of 科学 in Education: 小学教育 from 威尼斯人网上娱乐 gives you a leg-up to teach in the United States or abroad. Iowa’s rigorous teaching licensure requirements are easily compatible with licensure requirements for most of the 50 states and meet the prerequisites for teaching at overseas schools operated by the Department of Defense.


At least 60 percent of all Iowa school administrators hold at least one degree from Drake — and we’ve graduated more than 2,000名爱荷华州在职教师, 辅导员和行政人员. 

作为一个基础教育专业的学生, 在大四的学生教学之前,你将有机会完成六个实地体验. You’ll begin observing classrooms during your first year in order to experience a variety of educational settings at all levels of elementary certification, 学前班到六年级. 在你大二的时候,你将在两个当地的小学教室完成一个40小时的实习. A variety of field experiences in your junior year are designed to give you a variety of methods instruction and prepare you for student teaching. 作为一名实习教师, 你将在爱荷华州学前班到六年级的课堂上度过15周,在一位经验丰富的老师的指导下学习.

你可以通过大学或社区组织获得额外的丰富经验. 例如, 学生可以作为威尼斯人网上娱乐教育学院成人扫盲计划的一部分来指导成年人, 担任威尼斯人网上娱乐社区中心的学生导师, 爱荷华中部大哥大姐会的志愿者, 甚至通过本科生研究助理奖学金与教师合作进行研究项目. 其他的辅导机会可以通过地区服务机构获得.


威尼斯人网上娱乐教育协会帮助学生参与当地学校的筹款活动, 教师感恩日活动, 以及其他与教学和教育有关的社会和专业活动.

我们的学生也可以加入Kappa Delta Pi (KDPi), 一个致力于奖学金和卓越教育的国际荣誉协会. Membership of the local chapter of KDPi is by invitation to sophomores of excellent academic standing who demonstrate worthy education ideals, 打算继续在教育领域工作, 高度的专业精神和卓越的领导才能.


威尼斯人网上娱乐 has been on the approved list of the North Central Association of 大学 and 学校 since that association was established in 1913. 自2000年协会重组以来, 威尼斯人网上娱乐 is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association of 大学 and 学校.

Teacher Education and Educational Leadership programs are accredited by the Iowa Department of Education and the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners.




电子邮件: 凯瑟琳.gillespie@brianmachovina.com 

